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  • X1 White Gold
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With Stuller's X1 white gold, you get premium white color that provides the look of platinum at the cost of gold. You no longer need to rhodium plate in order to achieve a bright white surface finish. X1 white gold has been enhanced with trace elements that provide grain structure control, ductility, and improved mechanical properties, while maintaining excellent casting characteristics and surface finish.


  • Grade 1 bright white metal (No rhodium plating required)
  • Comparable melting temperatures to standard white gold
  • Meets European standards for nickel release (EN 1811:1999)


  • Premium white color that lasts
  • Dead set with very little prong spring back
  • Can be used with other precious metals
  • Increased hardness


Much of today's white gold jewelry is a yellowish or off-white karat gold alloy that has been rhodium plated to provide a bright-white finish. Unfortunately, when the rhodium plating wears off, it becomes obvious that the gold is not very white at all. Because of this issue, the Manufacturing Jewelers and Suppliers of America (MJSA) and the World Gold Council created the White Gold Task Force. The WGTF's purpose was to create guidelines and a grading system for determining the color of white gold alloys, and to define how white an alloy must be to be classified as a white gold. As a result of this classification system, the levels or grades of whiteness for which rhodium plating is considered necessary, optional, or not needed were developed.

2/21/2025 Market Prices:
Gold 2934.15 Platinum 982.00 Silver 32.93