Panther® Master Bur Set

This Master bur 82 piece kit is made of the finest quality hardened tool steel. The kit consists of a nice wooden box displayed with 90, 70, round, bud, setting, cylinder, and square cone burs.

Products in Panther® Master Bur Set Video

Video Transcript

If your bench work needs a variety of burs, check out this set from Panther. The kit comes with 82 various burs, all made of the finest quality hardened tool steel.  It comes with 90, 70, round, bud, setting, cylinder, and square cone burs.   All of the burs come in a wooden box to keep them securely in one place.  This kit is great to use for any kind of work you’ll have to do at your bench. Order today at
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7/16/2024 Market Prices:
Gold 2443.20 Platinum 993.00 Silver 30.87