Stuller Hacks: Spice up your store's interior

Learn a creative way to enhance your decor using materials you have at hand.

Video Transcript

Do you have a lot of old marketing material lying around?  Do you want to enhance the interior of your store?  My name is Alex Clement and for this Stuller Hack I'll show you how to do both.

You'll need just 6 items with this Stuller Hack: a matte board or something you feel comfortable cutting on, spray glue, a ruler, an exacto knife, foam core that you can get from your local craft store, and of course your marketing material.  After you choose the image that you would like to feature in your store, take it out of the book and with your ruler and your exacto cut the image to the desired dimension.  After you cut the foam core to match the dimensions of your picture, use spray adhesive to glue the image on the foam board.  Now that our image is attached to the foam core, cut out a triangle piece.  This will serve as a way to prop your picture up.  You attach this to the foam core the same way you did the image by using spray adhesive.  Now that you found the perfect place display your image proudly.  Go to to learn about more Stuller Hacks coming your way.
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