Ken Alecia of Jess Jewelers discusses what he learned from attending the Bridge event.
Video Transcript
Bridge was extremely informative. We learned a lot. We figured out that there is a whole lot that Stuller offered that we had no idea about and how different ways we can incorporate that into our store. The motivation is fantastic. I figured right before the holiday season it would really be a good thing to come and get amped up and you know hear about any new products that we might not know about but also the things that I do know about trying to get to a little bit more knowledge on. With the CAM Services Department, we do a lot of work with them so being able to come in and meet some faces. That was really nice. I learned a lot more about the Red Box Program, which we are going to try to implement and we had no understanding of it before now I feel like that's something that we really need to be doing. You can go to shows you can go to different seminars and things but this is something completely different. I mean you're here with the people who are trying to help your business succeed so they're really interested in helping you not just selling you.