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Laser Welders

Rely on Stuller to find the right laser welder and everything you need for years of profitable operation.

Boost Your Bottom Line

Investing in a laser welder is a proven way to increase your jewelry shop’s precision, productivity, and profits. With simple maintenance, they provide years of return on investment by helping you

  • Avoid risky torch work by using the precision of a laser.
  • Keep all the profits for yourself instead of outsourcing work.
  • Reduce repair times by up to 50% and finish most jobs in under an hour.
  • Use convenient presets for metal type and operation.
  • Get 70–80% stronger repair welds by fusing metal to itself.
  • Expand repair business to eyeglasses, watches, medical tools, and more.

Get Expert Consultation on Your Purchase

The Tools Tech Team at Stuller is ready to help you find the perfect laser welder for your operation. Call 800-877-7777, ext. 4300, weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Central, or schedule a consultation with an expert.

Schedule a Consultation

Selecting the Right Laser Welder

Freestanding Models

  • Freestanding on the floor requiring a larger workspace
  • Better for experienced users, but any skill level can use
  • Good for higher daily usage including larger repair shops
  • Relatively higher cost

Desktop Models

  • Sit on top of a work surface requiring a smaller workspace
  • Better for beginners, but any skill level can use
  • Good for lower daily usage including smaller jewelry stores
  • Relatively lower cost
Laser Welder Model Joules Peak Pulse Power Average Power Output Water Tank Capacity Beam Diameter Max Frequency Optics Recommended Daily Usage

Midi Tech

45J 5.6 kW 30 W 1 liter 0.2—1.5 mm 8 Hz 45° 10x Stereo Microscope with Right-Eye Crosshair <4 hours

Evo White

160J 7 kW 75 W 1 liter 0.15—1.5 mm 15 Hz Leica® 45° Binocular Microscope, 10X Magnification 2—4 Hours

Evo X

225J 9 kW 90 W 4 liters 0.1—2.0 mm 20 Hz Leica® 45° Binocular Microscope, 10X Magnification 5—8 Hours

Evo X Tech

250J 10 kW 90 W 4 liters 0.1—2.0 mm 40 Hz Leica® 45° 10x Stereo Microscope with Right-Eye Crosshair 5—8 Hours

Revo X+

240J 10 kW 120 W 10 liters 0.1—2.0 mm 40 Hz Leica® 45° Binocular Microscope, 10X Magnification 8+ Hours

Revo X²

280J 12 kW 150 W 10 liters 0.2—2.0 mm 40 Hz Leica® 45° Binocular Microscope, 10X Magnification 8+ Hours

993 iWeld Desktop Laser Welder

180J 11 kW 60 W 1 liter 0.05—2.0 mm 50 Hz Clearview Microscrope, 15x Magnification 8+ Hours

972 iWeld Professional Industrial Laser Welder

180J 11 kW 60 W 2 liters 0.05—2.0 mm 50 Hz Clearview Microscrope, 15x Magnification 8+ Hours

LaserStar Products

LaserStar laser welders are products of American Design & Manufacturing. One key feature is the tri-access welding chamber. The pulse shaping technology allows for precise energy control, minimizing heat impact on delicate materials.

Orotig Products

Orotig laser welders are products of Italian design and manufacturing. One key feature is an intuitive and state-of-the-art user interface. The ceramic cavity on the interior allows for consistent welds and maintains the longevity of internal components.

Payment Options

Get the equipment you need fast with easy payment methods.

ROI Calculator

See exactly how a laser welder increases your profits.

First-Rate Support from B&D Sales and Service

B&D Sales and Service, a Stuller Company, is your support team in the field with technicians ready to help you diagnose issues, make adjustments, get replacement parts, or walk you through a process. Additional services are available for Coherent®-Rofin, Orotig, BN Laser, Best Built, SIRO Lasertec equipment, and LaserStar Technologies, including

  • Machine Cleaning — Removal of body panels and cleaning of all interior dust, dirt, and debris
  • Filter Replacement — Air and water filter replacement for prolonged machine life
  • Preventative Maintenance — Comprehensive maintenance to stop issues in advance
  • Diagnostic Evaluations — Diagnosis of error codes and malfunctions to get you back on track
  • Mirror Alignment — Full calibration of interior mirrors to ensure laser beam accuracy

Stuller's service and support partner.

B&D Sales and Service serves you with decades of expertise in laser equipment for jewelry applications and beyond.

  • B & D Sales and Service
  • Cranston, Rhode Island
  • Phone: 401-781-4810
  • Email: Sales@BDSales.com

Training Classes

Our Basic Laser Welder Training class, held at Stuller, is a hands-on way to learn all the basics you need to operate your laser welder safely and profitably.

3/11/2025 Market Prices:
Gold 2916.90 Platinum 983.00 Silver 32.55