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CounterSketch Testimonials

"I can truly say that my relationship with Stuller is far from being a customer. They are family. Since my purchase of CounterSketch in 2012, my business has grown more than 60%.

I had CounterSketch for a while before I took the training. I actually closed a few sales without any knowledge, but I lost more than I sold. Then, I looked up the training classes, made my schedule work, and took the class. Not only was it nice to see “the family” again, the knowledge I received was nothing short of amazing. It taught me what it could do for me and for my business.

After taking the CounterSketch training and incorporating what I learned into my business, I took my closing rate from 30-40% up to 95%. I sell with 100% confidence that Stuller has my back to make this a simple procedure. I can also say that if you don’t have CounterSketch, you’re making a huge mistake. As I have always said, there’s enough pie for everyone to have a piece."

Ted Blais

Ted’s Creative Jewelers - Southampton, MA

Greg Beckman and Stan Beckman

Beckman Jewelers - Ottawa, IA

Barbara Nabors

Design Your Wedding Rings at the Design Bar

Rakhi Narwani and Alisa Flores

Barron's Fine Jewelry - Snellville, GA

3/7/2025 Market Prices:
Gold 2931.15 Platinum 973.00 Silver 32.50