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Step-by-Step Guide: How to Rhodium Plate a Ring
February 19, 2024
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on rhodium plating a ring! In this detailed tutorial, we'll walk you through each step of the process to achieve a stunning rhodium finish on your white gold ring.
- Plating system
- Electrocleaner
- Acid activator
- Rhodium bath plating solution
- Distilled water
In the video, we will be using the Legor® 6 Tank, 1 Liter Plating System. Below is the order of the solutions in each tank.
- First tank: Clean Earth® Electrocleaner - 1/4 cup of Clean Earth® Electrocleaner to 1 gallon of water, heated to 140-160 degrees Fahrenheit with a stainless steel anode.
- Second tank: Distilled water rinse
- Third tank: Clean Earth® Stainless Steel Acid Activator - 1/4 cup of Clean Earth® Stainless Steel Acid Activator to 1 gallon of water, room temperature. No anode required.
- Fourth tank: Distilled water rinse
- Fifth tank: Legor® White Room Temperature Rhodium Bath Plating Solution with a platinized titanium anode.
- Sixth tank: Distilled water rinse
1. Once your tanks are prepared, adjust the current on the rectifier to 5 volts and turn it on. Use a piece of copper wire to hold the product during the plating process.
2. Begin with the electro cleaner solution for 30 seconds to a minute to remove any oils and residues from the ring's surface. Follow with a distilled water rinse to remove excess soap, ensuring no alkali substances remain.
3. Next, move to the acid activator tank for 30 seconds to a minute to neutralize any remaining alkali soap and activate the surface for plating. Follow with a distilled water rinse.
4. Once the ring is cleaned, adjust the current to 3.5 volts (adjust higher for multiple mountings) before immersing it in the rhodium plating solution for 30 seconds.
5. Voila! You now have a beautifully rhodium-plated white gold ring. Finish by rinsing it in the final distilled water tank for a flawless shine.
Follow these steps meticulously for professional-quality rhodium plating results every time. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more expert jewelry-making tips and tutorials!
- We recommend using distilled water to ensure a better rhodium plating experience.
- Throughout the process, utilize magnetic stirring for consistent current flow.
- Remember to change the distilled water rinse to prevent soap build-up and acid activator residue (we recommend changing every 15 mountings).
- Plating system
- Electrocleaner
- Acid activator
- Rhodium bath plating solution
- Distilled water
In the video, we will be using the Legor® 6 Tank, 1 Liter Plating System. Below is the order of the solutions in each tank.
- First tank: Clean Earth® Electrocleaner - 1/4 cup of Clean Earth® Electrocleaner to 1 gallon of water, heated to 140-160 degrees Fahrenheit with a stainless steel anode.
- Second tank: Distilled water rinse
- Third tank: Clean Earth® Stainless Steel Acid Activator - 1/4 cup of Clean Earth® Stainless Steel Acid Activator to 1 gallon of water, room temperature. No anode required.
- Fourth tank: Distilled water rinse
- Fifth tank: Legor® White Room Temperature Rhodium Bath Plating Solution with a platinized titanium anode.
- Sixth tank: Distilled water rinse
1. Once your tanks are prepared, adjust the current on the rectifier to 5 volts and turn it on. Use a piece of copper wire to hold the product during the plating process.
2. Begin with the electro cleaner solution for 30 seconds to a minute to remove any oils and residues from the ring's surface. Follow with a distilled water rinse to remove excess soap, ensuring no alkali substances remain.
3. Next, move to the acid activator tank for 30 seconds to a minute to neutralize any remaining alkali soap and activate the surface for plating. Follow with a distilled water rinse.
4. Once the ring is cleaned, adjust the current to 3.5 volts (adjust higher for multiple mountings) before immersing it in the rhodium plating solution for 30 seconds.
5. Voila! You now have a beautifully rhodium-plated white gold ring. Finish by rinsing it in the final distilled water tank for a flawless shine.
Follow these steps meticulously for professional-quality rhodium plating results every time. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more expert jewelry-making tips and tutorials!
- We recommend using distilled water to ensure a better rhodium plating experience.
- Throughout the process, utilize magnetic stirring for consistent current flow.
- Remember to change the distilled water rinse to prevent soap build-up and acid activator residue (we recommend changing every 15 mountings).