This vs. That: Adjustable Ring Shanks
Let your customers know all the benefits of custom fit ring shanks when they start their ring search.
Resizing a ring is common, but it’s not always the best solution to finding the perfect fit. Traditional rings require a finger size large enough to accommodate the largest part of the finger; unfortunately, that often means sizing for the knuckle rather than the base of the finger where the ring actually sits. By utilizing adjustable shank solutions, you can accommodate multiple sizes while maintaining a custom fit where it matters the most. Whenever you design or reshank your customer's piece with an adjustable ring shank like the CLIQ® or the ForeverFit™ option, you can guarantee that their ring will fit snug and comfortable without spinning or risk of falling off.
CLIQ Ring Shank Benefits
The CLIQ adjustable ring shank allows your customers to open and close their ring around the base of their finger, providing a snug fit that’s tailored to them. While these rings are often presented as an ideal solution for customers with arthritis due to the potentially large discrepancy between finger size and the size at the knuckle, this shank also provides a high-end custom fit for any ring wearer without sacrificing design or security.
Customers can easily unlock the ring by pushing straight down into the dimple with a stylus. By pressing down, it will cause the mechanism to release the latch and open. To close, wrap the ring around the finger's base and press down on the top and bottom until it clicks. The click lets them know that their ring is confidently secured and will never unintentionally loosen or release. With the help of the CLIQ adjustable ring shank, you can offer your customers the comfortability of their favorite rings that may have been a hassle to wear in the past. Our selection of CLIQ ring shanks are available in a variety of types, metal qualities, sizes, widths, and Stuller even offers the tools needed to size or repair the rings in addition to ready-to-wear wedding bands incorporating the same patented technology.
ForeverFit Ring Shank Benefits
The expandable ForeverFit spring adjustable shank opens an additional 3 ½ sizes from the relaxed position. For example, a ring sized to a seven can open to pass over a size ten knuckle. These adjustable shanks can allow your customers the ability to wear their favorite rings again without having to resize them permanently. The flexible resizing options can put your customer's minds at ease, so they won't have to worry about their jewelry being too large on their finger.
The adjustable ring shank offers your customers an option to wear their previously unwearable rings. They enable them to change the size of the shank to get over more prominent knuckles but then fit appropriately at the base of their fingers. Your customers won’t have to worry about the ring being resized too large. The rings can now fit snugly, preventing them from spinning, twisting, or slipping off and getting damaged. Stuller carries ForeverFit ring shanks in a range of metal qualities, sizes, and widths for your convenience.
When your customers start their ring search, let them know why custom fit shanks are a great option. Stuller’s assortment of adjustable fit shanks uses a range of methods to achieve one goal – easy-to-use, comfortable rings.
To see our full assortment of adjustable shanks, visit: stuller.com/adjustable-shanks.