Below are just some suggestions on how to approach the different Mass Finishing processes.
Fill bowl half full with steel shot. Mix MF610 with water - 3oz to each gallon of water. Cut back on ratio if work times are longer than 2 hours. Fill with enough liquid to keep shot flowing smoothly. Run for 1-2 hours and check. Take note of the results
Fill bowl half full with plastic media. Mix compound with water - 2oz to each gallon of water. Fill with enough liquid to keep shot moist (1-2 inches). Run for 30 minutes and check surface with 10x loupe every 10 minutes until desired smoothness is acheived. Take notes of results.
Fill bowl half full with media. Mix in capful of aluminum paste if media needs to be recharged. Media will need more paste if it gets dry (run your hand through media, if it doesn't stick to your hand it is dry). Run for 6+ hours. Take notes of results as this will be different for each metal.
- Vibratory Tumbler - 47-5075 (up to 100 rings) 47-5070 (up to 50 rings)
- Stainless Steel Shot (10lbs) - 47-5241
- MF610 (acidic) - 54-4453
Fill bowl half full with steel shot. Mix MF610 with water - 3oz to each gallon of water. Cut back on ratio if work times are longer than 2 hours. Fill with enough liquid to keep shot flowing smoothly. Run for 1-2 hours and check. Take note of the results
Fill bowl half full with plastic media. Mix compound with water - 2oz to each gallon of water. Fill with enough liquid to keep shot moist (1-2 inches). Run for 30 minutes and check surface with 10x loupe every 10 minutes until desired smoothness is acheived. Take notes of results.
- Vibratory Tumbler - 47-5075 (up to 100 rings) 47-5070 (up to 50 rings)
- Corn Cob Media - 47-5215
- Aluminum Paste - 47-5222
Fill bowl half full with media. Mix in capful of aluminum paste if media needs to be recharged. Media will need more paste if it gets dry (run your hand through media, if it doesn't stick to your hand it is dry). Run for 6+ hours. Take notes of results as this will be different for each metal.