Frequently Asked Questions
Learn how to work with Cliq (Formerly Superfit) Hinged Shanks to offer another option to your customer.
Traditional rings have to be large enough to pass over the knuckle. Without CLIQ technology, rings are sized for the largest part of your finger, rather than the base, where it is actually worn. That’s why most rings will twist, turn, and slip off. CLIQ technology eliminates the problem by opening and closing around the base of your finger, in the perfect position.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I open/close the mechanism?
To open, hold the stylus close to the tip and press straight down, rmly, into the dimple (see image 1a and 1b). When the latch is up, pull the top and bottom sections apart. Never pull back on the latch.
To close, wrap the ring around the base of your nger. Use one hand and press down on the top and bottom of the ring until you hear a click, which signals that it is closed properly (see image 1c).



Can a CLIQ shank be resized?
A CLIQ shank can be sized, up or down, up to one full size. This is done by adding or removing a metal section from the very bottom of the shank. Never stretch the ring or remove metal from the inside diameter.
What if the latch seems loose?
If the mechanism is too loose or has “wiggle room”, increase the tension of the ring using CLIQ™ Parallel Ring Bending Pliers. Place the wider jaw on the inside of the ring to increase the tension (see image 3a).
Performtension adjustments routinely to maintain the mechanism properly. Never tamper with the mechanism by adding or removing metal.

What if my ring is too dicult to open?
When the ring is dicult to open or close, decrease the tension of the ring using CLIQ pliers. Place the wider jaw on the outside of the ring to decrease the ring tension.(See image 4a)
Perform tension adjustments routinely to maintain the mechanism properly. Never tamper with the mechanism by adding or removing metal.

I’m pushing down on the latch, but it won’t release.
Make sure that the ring is free from any buildup or oily residue inside the mechanism.
Check that the ring is round and make necessary adjustments.
Make sure the tongue is ush with the inside diameter. If tongue is not ush (see image 5a), very gently make adjustments with pliers. Do not le or remove material.
Do I need CLIQ pliers to perform an adjustment?
CLIQ™ Parallel Ring Bending Pliers make adjustments simple by shaping without torquing the shank.
What if my customer loses his or her stylus?
While you should always try use a CLIQ stylus, a ballpoint pen or any object small enough to enter the dimple can be used to remove your ring in an emergency. Additional styluses are available for purchase.
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