{"version":3,"sources":["webpack://web/./node_modules/react-router/esm/react-router.js"],"names":["createNamedContext","name","context","displayName","historyContext","Router","_React$Component","props","_this","call","this","state","location","history","_isMounted","_pendingLocation","staticContext","unlisten","listen","setState","computeRootMatch","pathname","path","url","params","isExact","_proto","prototype","componentDidMount","componentWillUnmount","render","Provider","value","match","children","cache$1","cacheCount$1","matchPath","options","Array","isArray","_options","_options$exact","exact","_options$strict","strict","_options$sensitive","sensitive","concat","reduce","matched","_compilePath","cacheKey","end","pathCache","keys","result","regexp","compilePath$1","exec","values","slice","memo","key","index","Route","apply","arguments","Consumer","context$1","computedMatch","_this$props","component","isEmptyChildren","Switch","element","child","from","useContext","useHistory","useLocation","useParams"],"mappings":"gaAeIA,G,0BAAqB,SAA4BC,GACnD,IAAIC,GAAU,SAEd,OADAA,EAAQC,YAAcF,EACfC,IAGLE,EAA8BJ,EAAmB,kBAEjDE,EAAuBF,EAAmB,UAM1CK,EAAsB,SAAUC,GAYlC,SAASD,EAAOE,GACd,IAAIC,EA0BJ,OAxBAA,EAAQF,EAAiBG,KAAKC,KAAMH,IAAUG,MACxCC,MAAQ,CACZC,SAAUL,EAAMM,QAAQD,UAO1BJ,EAAMM,YAAa,EACnBN,EAAMO,iBAAmB,KAEpBR,EAAMS,gBACTR,EAAMS,SAAWV,EAAMM,QAAQK,QAAO,SAAUN,GAC1CJ,EAAMM,WACRN,EAAMW,SAAS,CACbP,SAAUA,IAGZJ,EAAMO,iBAAmBH,MAKxBJ,GAtCT,OAAeH,EAAQC,GAEvBD,EAAOe,iBAAmB,SAA0BC,GAClD,MAAO,CACLC,KAAM,IACNC,IAAK,IACLC,OAAQ,GACRC,QAAsB,MAAbJ,IAkCb,IAAIK,EAASrB,EAAOsB,UAkCpB,OAhCAD,EAAOE,kBAAoB,WACzBlB,KAAKI,YAAa,EAEdJ,KAAKK,kBACPL,KAAKS,SAAS,CACZP,SAAUF,KAAKK,oBAKrBW,EAAOG,qBAAuB,WACxBnB,KAAKO,WACPP,KAAKO,WACLP,KAAKI,YAAa,EAClBJ,KAAKK,iBAAmB,OAI5BW,EAAOI,OAAS,WACd,OAAoB,gBAAoB5B,EAAQ6B,SAAU,CACxDC,MAAO,CACLnB,QAASH,KAAKH,MAAMM,QACpBD,SAAUF,KAAKC,MAAMC,SACrBqB,MAAO5B,EAAOe,iBAAiBV,KAAKC,MAAMC,SAASS,UACnDL,cAAeN,KAAKH,MAAMS,gBAEd,gBAAoBZ,EAAe2B,SAAU,CAC3DG,SAAUxB,KAAKH,MAAM2B,UAAY,KACjCF,MAAOtB,KAAKH,MAAMM,YAIfR,EA5EiB,CA6ExB,aA2CA,YA0CA,YA4HF,IAAI8B,EAAU,GAEVC,EAAe,EAyBnB,SAASC,EAAUhB,EAAUiB,QACX,IAAZA,IACFA,EAAU,KAGW,iBAAZA,GAAwBC,MAAMC,QAAQF,MAC/CA,EAAU,CACRhB,KAAMgB,IAIV,IAAIG,EAAWH,EACXhB,EAAOmB,EAASnB,KAChBoB,EAAiBD,EAASE,MAC1BA,OAA2B,IAAnBD,GAAoCA,EAC5CE,EAAkBH,EAASI,OAC3BA,OAA6B,IAApBD,GAAqCA,EAC9CE,EAAqBL,EAASM,UAC9BA,OAAmC,IAAvBD,GAAwCA,EAExD,MADY,GAAGE,OAAO1B,GACT2B,QAAO,SAAUC,EAAS5B,GACrC,IAAKA,GAAiB,KAATA,EAAa,OAAO,KACjC,GAAI4B,EAAS,OAAOA,EAEpB,IAAIC,EA/CR,SAAuB7B,EAAMgB,GAC3B,IAAIc,EAAW,GAAKd,EAAQe,IAAMf,EAAQO,OAASP,EAAQS,UACvDO,EAAYnB,EAAQiB,KAAcjB,EAAQiB,GAAY,IAC1D,GAAIE,EAAUhC,GAAO,OAAOgC,EAAUhC,GACtC,IAAIiC,EAAO,GAEPC,EAAS,CACXC,OAFW,IAAanC,EAAMiC,EAAMjB,GAGpCiB,KAAMA,GAQR,OALInB,EAda,MAefkB,EAAUhC,GAAQkC,EAClBpB,KAGKoB,EA+BcE,CAAcpC,EAAM,CACrC+B,IAAKV,EACLE,OAAQA,EACRE,UAAWA,IAETU,EAASN,EAAaM,OACtBF,EAAOJ,EAAaI,KAEpBtB,EAAQwB,EAAOE,KAAKtC,GACxB,IAAKY,EAAO,OAAO,KACnB,IAAIV,EAAMU,EAAM,GACZ2B,EAAS3B,EAAM4B,MAAM,GACrBpC,EAAUJ,IAAaE,EAC3B,OAAIoB,IAAUlB,EAAgB,KACvB,CACLH,KAAMA,EAENC,IAAc,MAATD,GAAwB,KAARC,EAAa,IAAMA,EAExCE,QAASA,EAETD,OAAQ+B,EAAKN,QAAO,SAAUa,EAAMC,EAAKC,GAEvC,OADAF,EAAKC,EAAI9D,MAAQ2D,EAAOI,GACjBF,IACN,OAEJ,MAiBL,IAAIG,EAAqB,SAAU3D,GAGjC,SAAS2D,IACP,OAAO3D,EAAiB4D,MAAMxD,KAAMyD,YAAczD,KAmCpD,OAtCA,OAAeuD,EAAO3D,GAMT2D,EAAMtC,UAEZG,OAAS,WACd,IAAItB,EAAQE,KAEZ,OAAoB,gBAAoBR,EAAQkE,SAAU,MAAM,SAAUC,GACvEA,IAAwH,QAAU,GACnI,IAAIzD,EAAWJ,EAAMD,MAAMK,UAAYyD,EAAUzD,SAC7CqB,EAAQzB,EAAMD,MAAM+D,cAAgB9D,EAAMD,MAAM+D,cAClD9D,EAAMD,MAAMe,KAAOe,EAAUzB,EAASS,SAAUb,EAAMD,OAAS8D,EAAUpC,MAEvE1B,GAAQ,OAAS,GAAI8D,EAAW,CAClCzD,SAAUA,EACVqB,MAAOA,IAGLsC,EAAc/D,EAAMD,MACpB2B,EAAWqC,EAAYrC,SACvBsC,EAAYD,EAAYC,UACxB1C,EAASyC,EAAYzC,OAOzB,OAJIS,MAAMC,QAAQN,IA3CxB,SAAyBA,GACvB,OAA0C,IAAnC,iBAAqBA,GA0COuC,CAAgBvC,KAC7CA,EAAW,MAGO,gBAAoBhC,EAAQ6B,SAAU,CACxDC,MAAOzB,GACNA,EAAM0B,MAAQC,EAA+B,mBAAbA,EAAuHA,EAAS3B,GAAS2B,EAAWsC,EAAyB,gBAAoBA,EAAWjE,GAASuB,EAASA,EAAOvB,GAAS,KAA2B,mBAAb2B,EAAuHA,EAAS3B,GAAS,UAIra0D,EAvCgB,CAwCvB,aAgJA,YAkBF,IAAIS,EAAsB,SAAUpE,GAGlC,SAASoE,IACP,OAAOpE,EAAiB4D,MAAMxD,KAAMyD,YAAczD,KAgCpD,OAnCA,OAAegE,EAAQpE,GAMVoE,EAAO/C,UAEbG,OAAS,WACd,IAAItB,EAAQE,KAEZ,OAAoB,gBAAoBR,EAAQkE,SAAU,MAAM,SAAUlE,GACvEA,IAAuH,QAAU,GAClI,IACIyE,EAAS1C,EADTrB,EAAWJ,EAAMD,MAAMK,UAAYV,EAAQU,SAe/C,OATA,mBAAuBJ,EAAMD,MAAM2B,UAAU,SAAU0C,GACrD,GAAa,MAAT3C,GAA8B,iBAAqB2C,GAAQ,CAC7DD,EAAUC,EACV,IAAItD,EAAOsD,EAAMrE,MAAMe,MAAQsD,EAAMrE,MAAMsE,KAC3C5C,EAAQX,EAAOe,EAAUzB,EAASS,UAAU,OAAS,GAAIuD,EAAMrE,MAAO,CACpEe,KAAMA,KACFpB,EAAQ+B,UAGXA,EAAqB,eAAmB0C,EAAS,CACtD/D,SAAUA,EACV0D,cAAerC,IACZ,SAIFyC,EApCiB,CAqCxB,aA6CEI,EAAa,aACjB,SAASC,IAKP,OAAOD,EAAW1E,GAEpB,SAAS4E,IAKP,OAAOF,EAAW5E,GAASU,SAE7B,SAASqE,IAKP,IAAIhD,EAAQ6C,EAAW5E,GAAS+B,MAChC,OAAOA,EAAQA,EAAMT,OAAS","file":"npm.react-router.c8a406f4bfe7487aa8ea.react.bundle.js","sourcesContent":["import _inheritsLoose from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport { createMemoryHistory, createLocation, locationsAreEqual, createPath } from 'history';\nimport warning from 'tiny-warning';\nimport createContext from 'mini-create-react-context';\nimport invariant from 'tiny-invariant';\nimport _extends from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends';\nimport pathToRegexp from 'path-to-regexp';\nimport { isValidElementType } from 'react-is';\nimport _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose';\nimport hoistStatics from 'hoist-non-react-statics';\n\n// TODO: Replace with React.createContext once we can assume React 16+\n\nvar createNamedContext = function createNamedContext(name) {\n var context = createContext();\n context.displayName = name;\n return context;\n};\n\nvar historyContext = /*#__PURE__*/createNamedContext(\"Router-History\");\n\nvar context = /*#__PURE__*/createNamedContext(\"Router\");\n\n/**\n * The public API for putting history on context.\n */\n\nvar Router = /*#__PURE__*/function (_React$Component) {\n _inheritsLoose(Router, _React$Component);\n\n Router.computeRootMatch = function computeRootMatch(pathname) {\n return {\n path: \"/\",\n url: \"/\",\n params: {},\n isExact: pathname === \"/\"\n };\n };\n\n function Router(props) {\n var _this;\n\n _this = _React$Component.call(this, props) || this;\n _this.state = {\n location: props.history.location\n }; // This is a bit of a hack. We have to start listening for location\n // changes here in the constructor in case there are any s\n // on the initial render. If there are, they will replace/push when\n // they mount and since cDM fires in children before parents, we may\n // get a new location before the is mounted.\n\n _this._isMounted = false;\n _this._pendingLocation = null;\n\n if (!props.staticContext) {\n _this.unlisten = props.history.listen(function (location) {\n if (_this._isMounted) {\n _this.setState({\n location: location\n });\n } else {\n _this._pendingLocation = location;\n }\n });\n }\n\n return _this;\n }\n\n var _proto = Router.prototype;\n\n _proto.componentDidMount = function componentDidMount() {\n this._isMounted = true;\n\n if (this._pendingLocation) {\n this.setState({\n location: this._pendingLocation\n });\n }\n };\n\n _proto.componentWillUnmount = function componentWillUnmount() {\n if (this.unlisten) {\n this.unlisten();\n this._isMounted = false;\n this._pendingLocation = null;\n }\n };\n\n _proto.render = function render() {\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(context.Provider, {\n value: {\n history: this.props.history,\n location: this.state.location,\n match: Router.computeRootMatch(this.state.location.pathname),\n staticContext: this.props.staticContext\n }\n }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(historyContext.Provider, {\n children: this.props.children || null,\n value: this.props.history\n }));\n };\n\n return Router;\n}(React.Component);\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n Router.propTypes = {\n children: PropTypes.node,\n history: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n staticContext: PropTypes.object\n };\n\n Router.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(prevProps.history === this.props.history, \"You cannot change \") : void 0;\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * The public API for a that stores location in memory.\n */\n\nvar MemoryRouter = /*#__PURE__*/function (_React$Component) {\n _inheritsLoose(MemoryRouter, _React$Component);\n\n function MemoryRouter() {\n var _this;\n\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n _this = _React$Component.call.apply(_React$Component, [this].concat(args)) || this;\n _this.history = createMemoryHistory(_this.props);\n return _this;\n }\n\n var _proto = MemoryRouter.prototype;\n\n _proto.render = function render() {\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Router, {\n history: this.history,\n children: this.props.children\n });\n };\n\n return MemoryRouter;\n}(React.Component);\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n MemoryRouter.propTypes = {\n initialEntries: PropTypes.array,\n initialIndex: PropTypes.number,\n getUserConfirmation: PropTypes.func,\n keyLength: PropTypes.number,\n children: PropTypes.node\n };\n\n MemoryRouter.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(!this.props.history, \" ignores the history prop. To use a custom history, \" + \"use `import { Router }` instead of `import { MemoryRouter as Router }`.\") : void 0;\n };\n}\n\nvar Lifecycle = /*#__PURE__*/function (_React$Component) {\n _inheritsLoose(Lifecycle, _React$Component);\n\n function Lifecycle() {\n return _React$Component.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n }\n\n var _proto = Lifecycle.prototype;\n\n _proto.componentDidMount = function componentDidMount() {\n if (this.props.onMount) this.props.onMount.call(this, this);\n };\n\n _proto.componentDidUpdate = function componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {\n if (this.props.onUpdate) this.props.onUpdate.call(this, this, prevProps);\n };\n\n _proto.componentWillUnmount = function componentWillUnmount() {\n if (this.props.onUnmount) this.props.onUnmount.call(this, this);\n };\n\n _proto.render = function render() {\n return null;\n };\n\n return Lifecycle;\n}(React.Component);\n\n/**\n * The public API for prompting the user before navigating away from a screen.\n */\n\nfunction Prompt(_ref) {\n var message = _ref.message,\n _ref$when = _ref.when,\n when = _ref$when === void 0 ? true : _ref$when;\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(context.Consumer, null, function (context) {\n !context ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? invariant(false, \"You should not use outside a \") : invariant(false) : void 0;\n if (!when || context.staticContext) return null;\n var method = context.history.block;\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Lifecycle, {\n onMount: function onMount(self) {\n self.release = method(message);\n },\n onUpdate: function onUpdate(self, prevProps) {\n if (prevProps.message !== message) {\n self.release();\n self.release = method(message);\n }\n },\n onUnmount: function onUnmount(self) {\n self.release();\n },\n message: message\n });\n });\n}\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n var messageType = PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.string]);\n Prompt.propTypes = {\n when: PropTypes.bool,\n message: messageType.isRequired\n };\n}\n\nvar cache = {};\nvar cacheLimit = 10000;\nvar cacheCount = 0;\n\nfunction compilePath(path) {\n if (cache[path]) return cache[path];\n var generator = pathToRegexp.compile(path);\n\n if (cacheCount < cacheLimit) {\n cache[path] = generator;\n cacheCount++;\n }\n\n return generator;\n}\n/**\n * Public API for generating a URL pathname from a path and parameters.\n */\n\n\nfunction generatePath(path, params) {\n if (path === void 0) {\n path = \"/\";\n }\n\n if (params === void 0) {\n params = {};\n }\n\n return path === \"/\" ? path : compilePath(path)(params, {\n pretty: true\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * The public API for navigating programmatically with a component.\n */\n\nfunction Redirect(_ref) {\n var computedMatch = _ref.computedMatch,\n to = _ref.to,\n _ref$push = _ref.push,\n push = _ref$push === void 0 ? false : _ref$push;\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(context.Consumer, null, function (context) {\n !context ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? invariant(false, \"You should not use outside a \") : invariant(false) : void 0;\n var history = context.history,\n staticContext = context.staticContext;\n var method = push ? history.push : history.replace;\n var location = createLocation(computedMatch ? typeof to === \"string\" ? generatePath(to, computedMatch.params) : _extends({}, to, {\n pathname: generatePath(to.pathname, computedMatch.params)\n }) : to); // When rendering in a static context,\n // set the new location immediately.\n\n if (staticContext) {\n method(location);\n return null;\n }\n\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Lifecycle, {\n onMount: function onMount() {\n method(location);\n },\n onUpdate: function onUpdate(self, prevProps) {\n var prevLocation = createLocation(prevProps.to);\n\n if (!locationsAreEqual(prevLocation, _extends({}, location, {\n key: prevLocation.key\n }))) {\n method(location);\n }\n },\n to: to\n });\n });\n}\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n Redirect.propTypes = {\n push: PropTypes.bool,\n from: PropTypes.string,\n to: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.object]).isRequired\n };\n}\n\nvar cache$1 = {};\nvar cacheLimit$1 = 10000;\nvar cacheCount$1 = 0;\n\nfunction compilePath$1(path, options) {\n var cacheKey = \"\" + options.end + options.strict + options.sensitive;\n var pathCache = cache$1[cacheKey] || (cache$1[cacheKey] = {});\n if (pathCache[path]) return pathCache[path];\n var keys = [];\n var regexp = pathToRegexp(path, keys, options);\n var result = {\n regexp: regexp,\n keys: keys\n };\n\n if (cacheCount$1 < cacheLimit$1) {\n pathCache[path] = result;\n cacheCount$1++;\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n/**\n * Public API for matching a URL pathname to a path.\n */\n\n\nfunction matchPath(pathname, options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n if (typeof options === \"string\" || Array.isArray(options)) {\n options = {\n path: options\n };\n }\n\n var _options = options,\n path = _options.path,\n _options$exact = _options.exact,\n exact = _options$exact === void 0 ? false : _options$exact,\n _options$strict = _options.strict,\n strict = _options$strict === void 0 ? false : _options$strict,\n _options$sensitive = _options.sensitive,\n sensitive = _options$sensitive === void 0 ? false : _options$sensitive;\n var paths = [].concat(path);\n return paths.reduce(function (matched, path) {\n if (!path && path !== \"\") return null;\n if (matched) return matched;\n\n var _compilePath = compilePath$1(path, {\n end: exact,\n strict: strict,\n sensitive: sensitive\n }),\n regexp = _compilePath.regexp,\n keys = _compilePath.keys;\n\n var match = regexp.exec(pathname);\n if (!match) return null;\n var url = match[0],\n values = match.slice(1);\n var isExact = pathname === url;\n if (exact && !isExact) return null;\n return {\n path: path,\n // the path used to match\n url: path === \"/\" && url === \"\" ? \"/\" : url,\n // the matched portion of the URL\n isExact: isExact,\n // whether or not we matched exactly\n params: keys.reduce(function (memo, key, index) {\n memo[key.name] = values[index];\n return memo;\n }, {})\n };\n }, null);\n}\n\nfunction isEmptyChildren(children) {\n return React.Children.count(children) === 0;\n}\n\nfunction evalChildrenDev(children, props, path) {\n var value = children(props);\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(value !== undefined, \"You returned `undefined` from the `children` function of \" + (\", but you \") + \"should have returned a React element or `null`\") : void 0;\n return value || null;\n}\n/**\n * The public API for matching a single path and rendering.\n */\n\n\nvar Route = /*#__PURE__*/function (_React$Component) {\n _inheritsLoose(Route, _React$Component);\n\n function Route() {\n return _React$Component.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n }\n\n var _proto = Route.prototype;\n\n _proto.render = function render() {\n var _this = this;\n\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(context.Consumer, null, function (context$1) {\n !context$1 ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? invariant(false, \"You should not use outside a \") : invariant(false) : void 0;\n var location = _this.props.location || context$1.location;\n var match = _this.props.computedMatch ? _this.props.computedMatch // already computed the match for us\n : _this.props.path ? matchPath(location.pathname, _this.props) : context$1.match;\n\n var props = _extends({}, context$1, {\n location: location,\n match: match\n });\n\n var _this$props = _this.props,\n children = _this$props.children,\n component = _this$props.component,\n render = _this$props.render; // Preact uses an empty array as children by\n // default, so use null if that's the case.\n\n if (Array.isArray(children) && isEmptyChildren(children)) {\n children = null;\n }\n\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(context.Provider, {\n value: props\n }, props.match ? children ? typeof children === \"function\" ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? evalChildrenDev(children, props, _this.props.path) : children(props) : children : component ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(component, props) : render ? render(props) : null : typeof children === \"function\" ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? evalChildrenDev(children, props, _this.props.path) : children(props) : null);\n });\n };\n\n return Route;\n}(React.Component);\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n Route.propTypes = {\n children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.node]),\n component: function component(props, propName) {\n if (props[propName] && !isValidElementType(props[propName])) {\n return new Error(\"Invalid prop 'component' supplied to 'Route': the prop is not a valid React component\");\n }\n },\n exact: PropTypes.bool,\n location: PropTypes.object,\n path: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string)]),\n render: PropTypes.func,\n sensitive: PropTypes.bool,\n strict: PropTypes.bool\n };\n\n Route.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(!(this.props.children && !isEmptyChildren(this.props.children) && this.props.component), \"You should not use and in the same route; will be ignored\") : void 0;\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(!(this.props.children && !isEmptyChildren(this.props.children) && this.props.render), \"You should not use and in the same route; will be ignored\") : void 0;\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(!(this.props.component && this.props.render), \"You should not use and in the same route; will be ignored\") : void 0;\n };\n\n Route.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(!(this.props.location && !prevProps.location), ' elements should not change from uncontrolled to controlled (or vice versa). You initially used no \"location\" prop and then provided one on a subsequent render.') : void 0;\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(!(!this.props.location && prevProps.location), ' elements should not change from controlled to uncontrolled (or vice versa). You provided a \"location\" prop initially but omitted it on a subsequent render.') : void 0;\n };\n}\n\nfunction addLeadingSlash(path) {\n return path.charAt(0) === \"/\" ? path : \"/\" + path;\n}\n\nfunction addBasename(basename, location) {\n if (!basename) return location;\n return _extends({}, location, {\n pathname: addLeadingSlash(basename) + location.pathname\n });\n}\n\nfunction stripBasename(basename, location) {\n if (!basename) return location;\n var base = addLeadingSlash(basename);\n if (location.pathname.indexOf(base) !== 0) return location;\n return _extends({}, location, {\n pathname: location.pathname.substr(base.length)\n });\n}\n\nfunction createURL(location) {\n return typeof location === \"string\" ? location : createPath(location);\n}\n\nfunction staticHandler(methodName) {\n return function () {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? invariant(false, \"You cannot %s with \", methodName) : invariant(false) ;\n };\n}\n\nfunction noop() {}\n/**\n * The public top-level API for a \"static\" , so-called because it\n * can't actually change the current location. Instead, it just records\n * location changes in a context object. Useful mainly in testing and\n * server-rendering scenarios.\n */\n\n\nvar StaticRouter = /*#__PURE__*/function (_React$Component) {\n _inheritsLoose(StaticRouter, _React$Component);\n\n function StaticRouter() {\n var _this;\n\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n _this = _React$Component.call.apply(_React$Component, [this].concat(args)) || this;\n\n _this.handlePush = function (location) {\n return _this.navigateTo(location, \"PUSH\");\n };\n\n _this.handleReplace = function (location) {\n return _this.navigateTo(location, \"REPLACE\");\n };\n\n _this.handleListen = function () {\n return noop;\n };\n\n _this.handleBlock = function () {\n return noop;\n };\n\n return _this;\n }\n\n var _proto = StaticRouter.prototype;\n\n _proto.navigateTo = function navigateTo(location, action) {\n var _this$props = this.props,\n _this$props$basename = _this$props.basename,\n basename = _this$props$basename === void 0 ? \"\" : _this$props$basename,\n _this$props$context = _this$props.context,\n context = _this$props$context === void 0 ? {} : _this$props$context;\n context.action = action;\n context.location = addBasename(basename, createLocation(location));\n context.url = createURL(context.location);\n };\n\n _proto.render = function render() {\n var _this$props2 = this.props,\n _this$props2$basename = _this$props2.basename,\n basename = _this$props2$basename === void 0 ? \"\" : _this$props2$basename,\n _this$props2$context = _this$props2.context,\n context = _this$props2$context === void 0 ? {} : _this$props2$context,\n _this$props2$location = _this$props2.location,\n location = _this$props2$location === void 0 ? \"/\" : _this$props2$location,\n rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_this$props2, [\"basename\", \"context\", \"location\"]);\n\n var history = {\n createHref: function createHref(path) {\n return addLeadingSlash(basename + createURL(path));\n },\n action: \"POP\",\n location: stripBasename(basename, createLocation(location)),\n push: this.handlePush,\n replace: this.handleReplace,\n go: staticHandler(\"go\"),\n goBack: staticHandler(\"goBack\"),\n goForward: staticHandler(\"goForward\"),\n listen: this.handleListen,\n block: this.handleBlock\n };\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Router, _extends({}, rest, {\n history: history,\n staticContext: context\n }));\n };\n\n return StaticRouter;\n}(React.Component);\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n StaticRouter.propTypes = {\n basename: PropTypes.string,\n context: PropTypes.object,\n location: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.object])\n };\n\n StaticRouter.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(!this.props.history, \" ignores the history prop. To use a custom history, \" + \"use `import { Router }` instead of `import { StaticRouter as Router }`.\") : void 0;\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * The public API for rendering the first that matches.\n */\n\nvar Switch = /*#__PURE__*/function (_React$Component) {\n _inheritsLoose(Switch, _React$Component);\n\n function Switch() {\n return _React$Component.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n }\n\n var _proto = Switch.prototype;\n\n _proto.render = function render() {\n var _this = this;\n\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(context.Consumer, null, function (context) {\n !context ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? invariant(false, \"You should not use outside a \") : invariant(false) : void 0;\n var location = _this.props.location || context.location;\n var element, match; // We use React.Children.forEach instead of React.Children.toArray().find()\n // here because toArray adds keys to all child elements and we do not want\n // to trigger an unmount/remount for two s that render the same\n // component at different URLs.\n\n React.Children.forEach(_this.props.children, function (child) {\n if (match == null && /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(child)) {\n element = child;\n var path = child.props.path || child.props.from;\n match = path ? matchPath(location.pathname, _extends({}, child.props, {\n path: path\n })) : context.match;\n }\n });\n return match ? /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(element, {\n location: location,\n computedMatch: match\n }) : null;\n });\n };\n\n return Switch;\n}(React.Component);\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n Switch.propTypes = {\n children: PropTypes.node,\n location: PropTypes.object\n };\n\n Switch.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(!(this.props.location && !prevProps.location), ' elements should not change from uncontrolled to controlled (or vice versa). You initially used no \"location\" prop and then provided one on a subsequent render.') : void 0;\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? warning(!(!this.props.location && prevProps.location), ' elements should not change from controlled to uncontrolled (or vice versa). You provided a \"location\" prop initially but omitted it on a subsequent render.') : void 0;\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * A public higher-order component to access the imperative API\n */\n\nfunction withRouter(Component) {\n var displayName = \"withRouter(\" + (Component.displayName || Component.name) + \")\";\n\n var C = function C(props) {\n var wrappedComponentRef = props.wrappedComponentRef,\n remainingProps = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(props, [\"wrappedComponentRef\"]);\n\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(context.Consumer, null, function (context) {\n !context ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? invariant(false, \"You should not use <\" + displayName + \" /> outside a \") : invariant(false) : void 0;\n return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({}, remainingProps, context, {\n ref: wrappedComponentRef\n }));\n });\n };\n\n C.displayName = displayName;\n C.WrappedComponent = Component;\n\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n C.propTypes = {\n wrappedComponentRef: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object])\n };\n }\n\n return hoistStatics(C, Component);\n}\n\nvar useContext = React.useContext;\nfunction useHistory() {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n !(typeof useContext === \"function\") ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? invariant(false, \"You must use React >= 16.8 in order to use useHistory()\") : invariant(false) : void 0;\n }\n\n return useContext(historyContext);\n}\nfunction useLocation() {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n !(typeof useContext === \"function\") ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? invariant(false, \"You must use React >= 16.8 in order to use useLocation()\") : invariant(false) : void 0;\n }\n\n return useContext(context).location;\n}\nfunction useParams() {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n !(typeof useContext === \"function\") ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? invariant(false, \"You must use React >= 16.8 in order to use useParams()\") : invariant(false) : void 0;\n }\n\n var match = useContext(context).match;\n return match ? match.params : {};\n}\nfunction useRouteMatch(path) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n !(typeof useContext === \"function\") ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" ? invariant(false, \"You must use React >= 16.8 in order to use useRouteMatch()\") : invariant(false) : void 0;\n }\n\n var location = useLocation();\n var match = useContext(context).match;\n return path ? matchPath(location.pathname, path) : match;\n}\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\") {\n if (typeof window !== \"undefined\") {\n var global = window;\n var key = \"__react_router_build__\";\n var buildNames = {\n cjs: \"CommonJS\",\n esm: \"ES modules\",\n umd: \"UMD\"\n };\n\n if (global[key] && global[key] !== \"esm\") {\n var initialBuildName = buildNames[global[key]];\n var secondaryBuildName = buildNames[\"esm\"]; // TODO: Add link to article that explains in detail how to avoid\n // loading 2 different builds.\n\n throw new Error(\"You are loading the \" + secondaryBuildName + \" build of React Router \" + (\"on a page that is already running the \" + initialBuildName + \" \") + \"build, so things won't work right.\");\n }\n\n global[key] = \"esm\";\n }\n}\n\nexport { MemoryRouter, Prompt, Redirect, Route, Router, StaticRouter, Switch, historyContext as __HistoryContext, context as __RouterContext, generatePath, matchPath, useHistory, useLocation, useParams, useRouteMatch, withRouter };\n//# sourceMappingURL=react-router.js.map\n"],"sourceRoot":""}